No One Dies from Divorce

Family and Immigration Law Broken Down with Pooja Mehta

June 06, 2022 Jill Coil
No One Dies from Divorce
Family and Immigration Law Broken Down with Pooja Mehta
Show Notes

Immigration is scary and a complicated process for those that have started, are in the middle and/or are in the final stages of the process.  It can be almost paralyzing when having to deal with immigration when going through a divorce.  In fact many think that they cannot divorce or leave an abusive relationship because of their immigration status.  However, Pooja Mehta, an attorney out of New Jersey joins our show to dispel the myths and fears with family law and immigration.  Her biggest takeaway is that if you are an immigrant and in any process of gaining citizenship to this country you do not have to stay in an abusive relationship.  There are things you can do to get out of the relationship and still move forward with citizenship and your life.  Finding an immigration attorney like Pooja can help you ease your fears and move you in a pathway forward.  There is hope and life after divorce.